grapevine ashes used on obranovichpottery are from famed Hundred Acre wines
Michael Obranovich and Jayson Woodbridge,owner of Hundred Acre, met at a pottery workshop 27 years ago in Victoria,Canada. Upon Jayson starting his wineries in Napa Valley,the two discussed using the burnt woodash of grapevine to enhance the uniqueness of the distinctive line of Obranovich dinnerware and one of a kind pieces of Stoneware Pottery. Obranovich Pottery is used exclusively in Hundred Acre settings, and has been featured in Hundred Acre and Layer Cake wine,One True Vine; NapaStyle magazine,The New Mexico magazine, and Western Art and Antiques magazine. All Obranovich Stoneware Pottery is !00 per cent food safe and will enhance your food and presentations. Really!